We're into looking after our environment.
Short and sweet, here's how we're doing it:
Sourcing from local and regional growers wherever possible.
Minimising the kilometres our products travel to get to you by sourcing from local and regional growers.
We said adios to plastic carry bags and hello to reusable market bags and cardboard boxes
We offer paper bags as an alternative to plastic produce bags
Cling wrap used to keep our produce fresh is biodegradable and compostable
Minimising landfill and reducing wastage by giving away vegetable scraps to customers for their chooks, rabbits and compost.
Recycling anything and everything we can
Storing fresh produce in the cool room to promote longevity and reduce waste
Stocking eco-friendly cleaning products and biodynamic grocery products
Reusing old potato sacks and cardboard for displays
... if you have any ideas on how we can better reduce our environmental impact, we're all ears!